Platform Builders Campaign!

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Have you heard of the Platform-Builders Campaign? I have seen bloggers promoting it all over the web this past week. When I got over to the website to read more about it I was even more excited. What a great way to build your platform and get to know more authors that write the same genre(s) as you. If you want to look into it, be sure to check out Rachel’s Blog for more details (and because it’s a great blog). If you are interested, the deadline to sign up is Aug 31st, so be quick.

Here’s Rachel’s blurb on her/our campaign:

“Basically, the Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others’ online platforms while at the same time building theirs.”

For my new blogging buddies… here is a little bit about me:
I love to write! I am just feeling my way into different genres in children’s books and have been working on three fiction picture book manuscripts about endangered animals across the continents. I have also just finished a first draft in my chapter book series. At this rate I hope to be moving onto YA by the end of 2012! Just kidding, but who knows? I am an enthusiastic member of SCBWI as well. I blog mostly about multicultural books and stories about animals, but also on random stuff as the muse takes me, including a poem here and there.

So if you’re a new follower… please share something about yourself!

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26 Responses to Platform Builders Campaign!

  1. Kris Yankee says:

    Hi! Campaigner stopping by to say hello. I write MG and am working on a YA. I’ve had a picture book published. Great to meet you!

  2. Susanna says:

    Hi – fellow campaigner from your group here to say hi and follow! Anyone whose tags start out with endangered animals has to be a kindred spirit 🙂

  3. Joanna, thanks for pointing me to this book; it’s an issue I’ve long been concerned with, and I’ll definitely add it to my reading list. And thanks also for connecting via the campaign.

  4. I’m a fellow SCBWI-er and campaigner! *waves* And you’ve already done the hard part (picture books), you might as well try YA (which I write; I can’t do that hard stuff!). 🙂

  5. Hello, fellow campaigner! So glad to *meet you* and I look forward to reading more on your blog.


  6. I’m from the campaign and I write MG and picture books. Great to meet you!

  7. Hi Joanna, from another ‘joanna’ (my pen name) (real name Helen Clancy)!
    I have also joined the Campaign. I write poetry, fiction and life writing.
    I look forward to getting to know you better.

  8. Hey Joanna, great that we’ll be campaigning together! Picture books about endangered species? that’s very good of you! I wish you every success. Tried to write a fantasy story/picture book about vegetables. I haven’t been too lucky with it. Moving to YA. Talk soon.

  9. Cortney says:

    Hi Joanna, just dropping in to say I’m a fellow Campaigner. Congrats on the first draft! I write YA romance, including paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary. Nice to meet you!

    • Joanna says:

      Hi Cortney; These drafts need a lot of revision, but gotta start somewhere 😉 I am trying to read YA though I don’t write it (yet??)

  10. Hi, great to meet you fellow campaigner! I write picture books too! I’m just beginning on my first YA novel. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. I’m still working my way through all the campaign followers. I’m working on a memoir and trying my hand at picture books. The subject of the memoir derailed me a decade ago from writing a picture book. Recently, I decided to just sit down and write my PB idea.

  12. Joanna, thanks for visiting my blog and saying “hi”. I’m looking forward to blogging with you during the Campaign 🙂

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog! I think I’m following you 🙂 Let me know if it didn’t work. Happy campaigning!

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