It’s Our World Too

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It’s My World too – Discover Endangered Animals and their Habitats by Elena Pasquali and Tina Macnaughton                  

Reading level: Ages 4-8

Cute conversations between mothers and baby animals (pandas, elephants, porpoise, chimps and snow leopards) highlight how both global and local human activity is threatening these animals’ habitats and homes – so, little polar bear, for example, wants to know why his ice flow is getting smaller and little panda asks his mum why the forest is so small.  What I really liked about this book is that there is not just a negative portrayal of human habitat destruction, but the book also points out the things – both natural and man-made – that go to make it a better place. A double page spread is given to some happy Bonobo chimps in Central Africa playing with friends in a secure forest reserve.

The hole-in-the-page novelty factor is a selling point, introducing children to some additional animals, which share this world. Small ‘about’ boxes offer some extra facts beyond the conversations between the animals, giving the book and an effective fiction + non-fiction format. Children will definitely retain the refrain from the baby animals to remember ‘it’s my world too’!

This book is playful in approach, but with a serious message at its heart, to give children an awareness of important environmental issues and encouragement to be kind to their planet. The book shows that we must all share the world and respect the different needs of each creature and learn to live in a healthy symbiotic relationship, whether it be nomads, yaks and snow leopards, or fishermen and porpoises.  Humans must think carefully before they damage the homes of these creatures. I think this is a valuable addition to the books encouraging our kids to become more thoughtful about lifestyles that affect other animals.

Book # 84 in the Here’s a Book Read to Me Picture Book Challenge

Animal Planet have produced a great simple guide to give children an idea of how all the animal groups are being threatened around the world.

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16 Responses to It’s Our World Too

  1. Diane says:

    This is a very sweet post Joanna, lovely book with with a universal message. Its wonderful if we can teach children now at such a very young age. I saw something similar in our library recently and thought of you knowing how passionate you are on animals and environmental issues. I just love, love animals and will spend hours reading anything on animals…lol. Thankyou for sharing.

    • Joanna says:

      Diane, I think even children with a passing interest in animals, will at least enjoy the warm illustrations and turning a page to look through the hole and discover eg a Springbok who share his Savannah with the baby elephant and its mother!

  2. This is a subject dear to my heart, and I’ll certainly buy this to read to my little nephew.

    • Joanna says:

      Gail, I do hope your nephew enjoys it. I believe the book does a good job of demonstrating how this planet can be shared harmoniously and animal, the human, does not have to dominate.

  3. Yes, start with the children because they will be the ones that will have to step up and reverse the trend of thinking that our resources (including our animals) are not infinite. The book sounds enchanting.

    Thank you for your visit at the Write Game. It was very much appreciated. Hope to see you again.

    • Joanna says:

      I shall most certainly be visiting the Write Game again. Loved the front page of your website and I see that like me, you have an interest in language and your fair share of cross cultural experiences!

      I do think this is an enchanting book. I think the illustrator did a great job using each double page and working with pastels and blending he presents us with each habitat and species. On the first double-page Mom and baby panda are clearly enjoy a bamboo breakfast plumped happily in a lush, green bamboo forest with some beautiful misty mountains in the background. Little Red Panda is also hiding on that page to remind you he lives there too!

  4. Very nice! I’m sure that the environmental awareness bit is not presented in a didactic fashion – I always feel that kids appreciate it more if presented in such a heartfelt fashion. Will look out for this book, Joanna! 🙂

    • Joanna says:

      Myra, I am well impressed with the subtlety of the message’s presentation. As an adult my lasting impression is that this planet has some amazing habitats and we get to share them with the elephants, chimps, porpoises, etc No preaching in sight 😉 There is a real appreciation that man also has habitat needs!

  5. Sounds excellent! I appreciate so much that they seem to be giving their message in a way that will engage children, rather than preaching to them.

    • Joanna says:

      Beth, I often highlight books looking at one specific species. This one does a great job of giving children a good overview and introducing the younger ones to the concept of habitat.

  6. MC Rogerson says:

    A lovely and considered review. This sounds like a thoughtful little book. Ideal for growing minds.

  7. My oldest daughter loves books like this. She’s always been science minded. Thanks for sharing!

    I wanted to let you know I left a comment in response to the comment you left the other day on my blog.

    • Joanna says:

      Laura, it would definitely appeal to the inquisitive, scientifically-ireintated child!

      Thanks for reminding to check out your comments, and have noted your advice for once I get published. 😉

  8. Patricia Tilton says:

    This review slipped past me again. What an enchanting book on such a meaningful subject. And, it doesn’t sound preachy. Kids would love this book! I was particularly struck by the refrain from the baby animals — this is our world too — as I know kids would identify with such a profound statement. This would be a good read for my grandson — he has loved animals — especially the endangered ones. Will check it out for sure as it may be a nice Christmas gift.


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