The greatest benefit of joining up for events like Rach Harrie‘s Write Campaign and Tara Lazar’s PiBoIdMo, has to be the people you meet. I so love the kid lit world. One of the awesome bloggers I met during the Write Campaign is Laura Barnes. She is quite a marketing whizz, and with a little trepidation I signed up to have my blog critiqued by Laura, so here it is. Do browse through other critiques on Laura’s site, as I confess I have been improving my blog over the past few weeks simply by applying what I was learning there.
Thank you so much for this series, Laura!
What a great idea — and what an awesome critique response you received, Joanna! I thoroughly agree with the critique. Your blog (and I have been reading it since its beginning) is impressive, professional, and focused. Add to that the facts that it’s a delight to the eyes, and you have a natural and approachable writing style, and voila — a great blog!
I am going to delve into Laura’s advice as I work at making my blog the best it can be (one of my goals for the coming year).
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Beth. I am sure you will have noticed me tweaking the blog over the past few weeks. Well it really is thanks to what I have been learning on Laura’s blog!
Congratulations! You float on water today! I saw the review and was impressed with what they do. I agree with their comments — it is a beautiful, user friendly blog. I have the e-mail sign up on my blog. Thanks for adding one, because I received confirmation I will receive your blog again. Pat
Thanks so much, Pat, and glad the email sign up seems to work! I love how much we can learn from other bloggers so willing to share their expertise!
I’m using Laura’s checklist on what you do right — to make sure I’m doing it too. I really like the critiques.
It’s great how we are all learning together!
Wow! You are so brave, and you received a fab critique! I will definitely check out Laura’s tips since I am so new to the blogging world. Way to go, Joanna!
Kelly, I was nervous, especially when I started reading the critiques about 6 weeks ago. Coming at the end of the list has been a distinct advantage. Laura has great insight also on many other aspects of building one’s platform. Her blog is worth following.
Congrats of a great blog critique, Joanna! I thought I commented here yesterday, but I guess I did it on Laura’s! Anyway, as a devoted follower, it was no surprise to me that Laura loved your blog. Great job 🙂
Wow! Lovely feedback for you Joanna. I have certainly noticed your tweeking over the last few weeks, very impressive.
I have been thinking of changing my own blog around for some time, although wary of the problems I had setting it up had hindered me from making the changes thus far. May look into this next year.
Now I have independent confirmation: I always knew this was a great blog! I made quite a few changes after getting my critique from Laura too; her advice is invaluable. Just stopping in to say hi now that NaNo is over: phew! I’ll be back more often now.
@Diane, @Susanna, @Gail Thanks dear fellow bloggers! Gail Bravo you for even doing Nano!!