One of my most favorite things as an author is promoting author friends’ new books. Today I have the thrill of revealing the cover on my friend, Kimberley Griffith Little’s, latest Middle Grade novel with the winsome title, WHEN BUTTERFLIES CAME, to be released in the Spring of 2013. This is so on my to-be-bought-as-soon-as-published list! Though, truly I am hoping to win an ARC to review the book early! If you are too, please hop on over to Kimberley’s blog where an ARC of “When the Butterflies Came” is just one of many great giveaway prizes you could win! Do check out Kimberley’s other great MG and YA books while you are there!
Joanna Marple
In my 20's, with only my guitar and a rucksack, I wandered the continents, immersing myself in the lives of some wonderful people, projects and stories, which changed the way I view my responsibility to others and this earth. Right now I'm a European transplant in the US who writes books for children and young adults. Stories can help us not only navigate our world but can connect us to others, and allow us to inspire and help each other. I believe that equity and empathy should be at the core of our all actions, words, and stories. I am also a school librarian and I get a kick out of book-matchmaking! And I use the pronouns she/her.
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Oh wow, the book cover looks so dazzling. Such generosity of spirit you have, dear Joanna, in promoting a book’s friend – and apparently with good reason. Thank you for introducing me to this.
Isn’t the cover enchanting?
A lovely review Joanna. I just love the cover of this book. Certainly is a must read.
It is so on my ‘can’t wait to read’ list, Diane!
I, too, must read this the instant it’s published (although I, too, am hoping to win an ARC!!!) The cover is gorgeous and evocative, and the synopsis caught me right away when I read it on Kimberley’s site. Bring on 2013!!!
Well, may the best women win the ARC, Beth. 🙂
I love seeing my book here – thank you so much for posting this, Joanna! You are a great friend.
And for those who cannot wait (like me! Oh, the waiting is the worst part!) – you can read my first two Scholastic books – because there are little threads that link all the books together and a little surprise at the end of CIRCLE OF SECRETS that links back to THE HEALING SPELL. Each book is a different character and a stand-alone, but BUTTERFLY has some fun little things, too. Hopefully your local libraries have the books. 🙂
Thanks for all the comments and kudos, everyone!
Thanks for the tip, Kimberley, will definitely get my hands on these to ease the wait!
What a great cover!
Isn’t, it?!!
Love the cover and thanks for sharing. Sounds like a good book!
I love the mystery of the cover, Jennifer!
Great review Joanna. I really want to read this book too. I like the plot and it sounds like a great mystery. Finding that I enjoy MG.
I think the synopsis does a great job of teasing me right into Tara’s world, Pat!
This looks and sounds WONDERFUL! I think it’s going on my “needs-to-be-purchased-as-soon-as-published” list too! I love it! How exciting! And I just noticed your book up top! That’s so exciting. I’ve been out of the blogosphere for a month and come back to find great things! My 2 year old is in love with the pic up top, so obviously we need to get it! 🙂 Congrats!
Mysteries were some of my real favorites as a Middle Grader and that’ hasn’t really changed much.Make sure you hop over to Kimberley’s blog and sign up for all the giveaways!
How sweet that your two year old likes SNOW GAMES cover. 🙂 You can have a look at it here, Leigh :
What a lovely cover! And the book sounds terrific – I totally want to read it! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I haven’t read too many middle grades. The cover looks delightful. The story from the cover copy hooks me.