Groovin’ Those First 6 Months in 12×12-in-12

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No better way to sign off for the summer blog hiatus than with a little celebration. I am thrilled to join my 400+ 12x12ers in feting the half way mark in Julie Hedlund’s challenge – 12 manuscripts in 12 months in 2012. Do click on the sidebar badge for more information, and if you are a picture book writer, it isn’t too late to join us!  While I don’t like working to deadlines, I have had a turbulent and busy six months and without this challenge I so know I would have written less! But above all I raise my glass to my fellow writers/illustrators, who make the journey so much more fun and rewarding, not to mention all that I am learning from you. My glass is, of course, full of Bubbly, living in the land of Champagne, so, cheers!

I thought I would celebrate by giving just some hints about my six manuscripts (January to June, not including the extra 5 for PiBoIdWe in May). I know you can’t copyright ideas, so I have intentionally left it pretty vague! Two are in rhyme, and I am seeing an anthropomorphic tendency here! Maybe it is time to have some kids in my stories again?!

NB – 7/4/2012 on writing colleagues’ advice, I have decided to remove my 6 ideas to protect them from being borrowed!

To my lovely blog readers – I shall be taking a blog hiatus through July and August due to a period of interesting transition, and shall be back early September to continue my A-Z Haikus of endangered species, my illustrator interviews and Perfect Picture Book Fridays.

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43 Responses to Groovin’ Those First 6 Months in 12×12-in-12

  1. Sheri Cook says:

    LOVE your list of creations! Can’t wait to see what you do in the second half of 12x12in2012 Picture Book Challenge!

  2. Congratulations! Your list of books sound interestng and impressive. You’e done so well this year and have one book published.

    • Joanna says:

      Pat, thank you, yes in the midst of 12x12x12, I have been so happy to publish something too. What wonderful months! Thank you for your constant support!

  3. Wow Joanna!! Congrats on all your projects. Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. I can hardly wait to read those books! Raising a glass of cyber-champagne to you at the halfway-point, and looking forward to what the next months bring. I especially wish you every success in this time of transition. Fair winds, my friend!

  5. Tina Cho says:

    Congrats on all your accomplishments. I learned what a bilbie is from your blog. 🙂 Best wishes on your transition and summer plans.

  6. Heather says:

    Congratulations and best wishes on your impending transitions. May your journey be interesting and find you landing safe and happy on the other end.

  7. Congratulations on your manuscripts. They all sound interesting! Enjoy your hiatus.

  8. Deb Lund says:

    I love hearing about your stories! I’m also fascinated about the haikus. Good luck, and thanks for being such a great online pal!

  9. Thanks for sharing your stories. Your stories all sound like a winner to me, but I may be partial to The two chicks and a Harley Davidson story since I live in S.F. And I can’t help but like the idea if birds on a bike.

  10. Rebecca Fyfe says:

    Your manuscripts sound like fun! Happy Halfway! 🙂

  11. Wholehearted congrats and thanks for the hints at halfway! All the very best during transition-time. Being from LI I know you’ll have fun, but I also hope it brings you great success too – so you can hop on a plane anytime you need to refuel with some ‘traditional’ culture!

  12. Wonderful hooks, enough to peak one’s interest. Congrats on your accomplishments thus far; may it continue.

  13. Congrats on all you have achieved so far my friend. Thanks for sharing with us your great ideas. Hope your transition goes well and where ever you land keep us posted and good luck!

  14. Joanna says:

    Thank you kindly, Diane!

  15. Great post! Have a fun blog-cation! I think a Billby looks really cute! 🙂

  16. One of the best things about 12×12 has been meeting people like you, Joanna!
    Congrats on all of your accomplishments in the first half of 2012 (especially Snow Games) and best of luck and happy writing in the second half! Have a lovely respite!

  17. Hi Joanna, congrats on all your achievements this year. You’ve done so well, I’m really excited for you.

  18. Krista says:

    It’s been wonderful getting to know you. I love your enthusiasm for writing, kids and nature – oh and delicious drinks too. Have a wonderful vacation.

  19. I’ll join you in some bubbly!! And I can’t wait to read about the chicks and the Harley. Enjoy your break!

  20. What fun to get a glimpse of your 12×12 mss so far – they all sound terrific! have a great hiatus – hope the transitions are smooth and wonderful in every way – and look forward to seeing you on your return 🙂

  21. Saba says:

    I love the stories Joanna! I can’t wait to read them in full! Enjoy your break!

  22. Joanna…just wanted to let you know that I have passed along several blog awards to you:
    Happy summer!!!

  23. Joanna says:

    Vivian, thank you for this lovely honor. I shall pop straight over to your blog to check things out.

  24. Lori Mozdzierz says:

    Bummed I didn’t have the opportunity to get a peek at your birds on bikes plus five.
    Without a doubt, I have some extraordinary reading in my future!
    You’ll be missed you during your hiatus. Have fun!!


  25. I originally missed this post because I was traveling myself and wasn’t on-line. Today, I started wondering why your posts were no longer appearing in my inbox so I cam a-lookin’ for you. A-hah! You’re on hiatus!

    I hope you’re having a wonderful break and wish you the best as you transition to new and exciting things…

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