SNOW GAMES Giveaway for my Blogiversary

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When we published SNOW GAMES so tactically (ahem) in May, at the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere! I promised myself I would do a giveaway as soon as the skies started dumping the white powder in northern climes and winter sports got underway. What better time than for my second blogiversary. It’s a couple of weeks after Midwinter’s Day, but that’s ok.  This is a woodland wintry tale of camaraderie and competition, and some creative problem solving on the part of wee Mouse!


To win a copy of this eBook from uTales (readable on all computers, iPads, iPhones etc) AND an original illustration from the story by fabulous illustrator, Maja Sereda, please leave a comment below about your favorite winter activity (indoor or outdoor, but remember this is a KIDlit blog!). If you aren’t following this blog by email, on FB or through networked blogs, or Maja’s FB illustrator’s page, now’s also a good time to do that. 🙂 A winner will be picked at random, next Tuesday, January, 22nd.

 Here are some of my favorite winter activities:

cross country skiing on frozen lakes

kissing reindeer


P.S. For those who don’t know the book yet, you can read a preview of the first 8 pages here on uTales, just sign up for free.

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75 Responses to SNOW GAMES Giveaway for my Blogiversary

  1. A beautiful story and congratulations on your blog anniversary Joanna. Favourite snow activity, would have to be snow sculpture, of course.

  2. Whoo-hoo! Happy blog anniversary, Joanna! I LOVE your pictures — but how they make me yearn for some snow…and some skis…

    SNOW GAMES is an adorable story any time of year. And my favorite snow activity is just like the cover bear’s – sledding! And making giant snowcats that last until April.

    Here’s to another wonderful Miss Marple year!

    • Joanna says:

      The last time I went sledding was in Austria far too many winters ago. I am missing the snow, though there was a sprinkling on the cars here in London yesterday morning!

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Joanna! And what a great way to show off Snow Games – which I already own so don’t put me in the drawing 🙂 Hmmm…. favorite winter activities…. I love x-c skiing though I haven’t done it much for a while. Even though I’m technically a grown-up I love sledding (what’s not to love about flying down a hill at high speed with relatively little control? :)) And I love sitting by the fire in the evenings, possibly because I was a cat in a former life… I have a real love for sitting in warm spots 🙂 I have never tried kissing a reindeer but it looks fun 🙂

    • Joanna says:

      Susanna, we share many favorite winter activities. Hogging the open fire, along with the cats, has always been one of my favorite winter pass-times, too!

  4. Catherine says:

    Happy blog anniversary Joanna 🙂

    I would say that right now our two favourite snowy activities are making snowmen and snow angels followed by a big cup of hot chocolate to warm up afterwards 🙂

    Thank you for a great giveaway!

  5. Happy Blog Anniversary, Joanna! I’m quite jealous that you met (and kissed) a reindeer. My favorite winter activity would have to be sledding with the boys, although throwing snowballs for our pup to catch is a close second. Congratulations on an excellent year of blogging!

  6. Tina Cho says:

    Happy Blogiversary! My favorite winter activity is making a snowman with my kids.

  7. Joanna says:

    It never gets old, does it, Tina?

  8. Monette says:

    Happy Anniversary Joanna and Maja! I’ve only been here for 3 years so winter and snow is relatively new to me. My favorite thing to do when it’s snowing is to sit by the window with a cup of hot cocoa (or tea), watch the snow fall, and immerse myself in feelings of gratitude for being able to experience something so quiet but powerful (“as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending” comes to mind). Can you tell I’m from a tropical country? =)

    • Joanna says:

      Monette, thank you! Yes, I can tell you hail from the tropics! Falling snow is mesmerizing, with a capacity for magical stillness to transport us!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! Two years – WOOHOO! I love your photos. Thanks for sharing. I’m afraid you put me to shame when it comes to winter sports, as my winter sports aren’t so active. I love taking snow saucers down hills, but I haven’t done that for years. Nowadays, my favorite winter sport is to sit by the fireplace with my husband for a bit, then sit in my hot tub and stargaze with my husband for a bit, then go back to the fire. If we are lucky enough to get snow in our warmer climate, there is nothing like sitting in the hot tub with big flakes coming down. Love it.

    • Joanna says:

      Darn, I should have thought of that. I have a photo of me in a Canadian hot tub surrounded by snow. I agree a great winter activity!

  10. Hannah Holt says:

    Happy, happy blogiversary! My favorite activity is building snow forts!

  11. Michelle Mapp says:

    What a great idea and happy blogiversary. I have to say, I am not a winter person per se but now with kids, I have to say I am enjoying making snowmen, snow angels and going for hikes in snow covered woods.

  12. Happy blogoversary, Joanna! What a lovely way to celebrate. I already have Snow Games, so there’s no need to put me in the draw. I love the photo of you and the reindeer! That is unique! My favorite snow activity, other than being indoors where it’s warm, feeling glad I don’t have to go outside (!) is making snowmen/women/creatures.

  13. Wishing you a Happy 2nd Blogiversary! Boy have those two years flown by. Love your snow photos — they look quiet and peaceful. I can’t say I have any outdoor winter activities I enjoy now (in my youth child skating, skiing, sledding, building snow forts) except sitting curled up near a fire and reading for my own pleasure. I have your book, so you don’t need to include me.

  14. Joanna says:

    I know, Pat, it’s hard to believe I have been writing and blogging that long! I thoroughly enjoyed skating on canals when I lived in the Netherlands!

  15. Sylvia Liu says:

    Happy blogoversary! My favorite activities are after skiing…hanging out with hot chocolate, sitting in front of a fire, and having that bone tired feeling.

  16. Happy Blogiversary! It is cool that you ski! 🙂

  17. Cathy Mealey says:

    Happy Blogiversary!

    I have just added “Kiss a caribou” to my bucket list, which I can probably accomplish right after I cross off “Go skijoring with a husky”

    My kids and I love to build snowmen and snowcreatures of all sorts. When the snow is soft and sticky it is SO much fun!

    • Joanna says:

      Making snow critters is uber fun, and I love how Mouse, in SNOW GAMES, pulls off his coup de résistance in this part of the games.

  18. Snowball fights, hands down (or up!) Love all the above mentioned things, but I spent many hours making munition for older kids, tucked away in snow forts so the big kids (who could aim!) would have enough to win the fights. So when I was finally the big kid, I relished the privileges! Happy celebrating – congratulations! Toi! Toi! Toi!

  19. Amy D says:

    Congrats on your blogoversary, here’s to many more! Here in sunny Central California, we actually play outside much more in the winter than we do in the summer. Summers are crazy hot and the air quality is terrible. So going to the park is my favorite winter activity 🙂

  20. Your book looks lovely! Congratulations on your blog’s celebration. My favorite wintertime sport is soaking in our town’s hot springs, or in my own little hot tub with a glass of wine! I send you a virtual toast!

    • Joanna says:

      Thank you for dropping in Deborah! Cheers, yes hot tubs and wine go very well together. I had no idea some towns have their own hot tubs. cool!

  21. I want to kiss a reindeer! 🙂
    My absolute favorite winter activity is downhill skiing, but I also love snowshoeing, sledding, and good old fashioned snowball fights.
    Don’t enter me in the drawing because I already own Snow Games (which we LOVE!), but I wanted to say happy blogiversary and help spread the word about your book. 🙂

    • Joanna says:

      Julie, I enjoy downhill, but prefer cross country. I think in part because I only came to both about 13 years ago and the latter came more easily! Thanks so much for spreading the word. 😉

  22. Yay! Congrats on 2 years of blogging and once again congrats on your eBook!

    My favorite winter activity is sledding! I like building snow forts and snowmen too! Sometimes I like shoveling snow — when it is dark and still snowing hard. It is so quiet and peaceful!

  23. BEAUTIFUL pictures..especially the bottom one…curious where that is…I know you’re a world traveler. Favorite winter activity is coming inside! (For a cup of hot chocolate) congrats on your blogivErsary. Can’t wait to see the preview…going to check it out now.

    • Joanna says:

      Laura, thank you. The third photo is about an hour north of Nice in SE France, in a national park called the Mercantour. We are not far south of the Southern Alps, there.

  24. Carrie F says:

    Happy anniversary, Joanna! I love checking in to your blog and reading your thoughtful posts.

    My favorite winter activity is sledding. We have some great hills near our house. I also love catching up on movies I’ve missed during the previous year. (Thank you, Netflix.)

  25. Joanna~Happy Blogoversary :•) I’m no longer in snow country very often, but growing up near Aspen, Colorado lent itself to many fun-filled snowy activities in my younger days….skiing…sledding on sleds, saucers & cardboard…ice skating on our ponds…snowmobiling…snowball fights…snow forts-built in as-close-to-igloo style as four sisters could manage…snow angels…ice fishing, etc!
    We still visit my parents & my eighty-three year old dad just bought himself a couple of snowmobiles, so I may give it a go! As it stands, the few snow days we have in West Texas are spent with hot chocolate by the fire place…our cat died a few years ago, but I purr in his honor :•)
    I would love to win a copy of Snow Games.

    • Joanna says:

      Colorado is so on my bucket list. I confess that I adore riding snowmobiles, especially on frozen lakes, where you can really pick up some speed! I was also very impressed with the speed one gets up to on a dog sled! Wow, and much less noisy than the snowmobiles!

      I vied with the cats for the best place by the fire!

  26. Damon Dean says:

    Congratulations Joanna on your Blog Anniversary!!!
    I love Snow Games! It’s fun and the illustrations are great (saw the U-Tales version).
    My favorite winter fun? LICKING ICICLES!!!

    • Joanna says:

      Thank you, Damon, and I applaud your icicle-licking! It’s not one of my favorite activities. I have many times melted down snow over a fire to make a HOT drink, though!

  27. Happy Day, Joanna! Congrats on the anniversary of your blog!
    Love your activities…wish I could post a pic…my husband and I went flyfishing two Christmas’ ago…snow on the banks, ice flows in the river…but we are in Colorado high country and the sun made us feel like it was 60 degrees…we fished from the bank…the water was FREEZING.:) I also love to snowshoe…you feel so free…kind of like flying.:)
    Would love to win a copy of your book…haven’t gotten it yet (don’t know why not…too many things going on back when it came out, I guess)…if I don’t win a copy, I will definitely buy one…it is beautiful.:)

    • Joanna says:

      I would so love to see a pic of the fly-fishing in winter, that sounds quite amazing. Your name will go in the hat for the draw. 🙂

  28. Wendy Myers says:

    Oh, definitely snowshoeing! Such fun. And walking the dogs in the snow, riding my horse, and downhill skiing. And drinking hot cocoa outside by a big fire pit.

  29. Joanna says:

    Wendy, I have only ever ridden in the summer and love the idea of horse-riding through the snow! Yep, a big fire pit on a winter’s night with hot chocolate and marshmallows…. mmmmmm, you have me drooling.

  30. Dana Carey says:

    Happy Blogiversary, Joanna!
    I grew up in CT and spent winters sledding, building forts, throwing snowballs, getting smacked by snowballs thrown by older, stronger siblings and making snow angels. We’d go home wet and frozen. Then I moved to NYC and spent my winters avoiding dirty slush! I’ve never lived in snowy areas in France so I hardly ever even see snow now… Anyway! Favorite thing to do in the snow: snow angels– that way I get to look up at the snowy sky as the flakes fall.

  31. Joanna says:

    Dana, I have yet to see New York in the snow… I plan on being up early and into one of the parks to enjoy it before the slush! You are right the perspective from the snow angel position is marvelous! Nice was amazing in winter as one could be skiing on a Saturday just 1.5 hours north and then sea kayaking in a t-shirt on a Sunday!

  32. Kathy Cornell Berman says:

    Happy Blogiversary Joanna! I love your pictures. We don’t get as much snow in NYC as we used to. Sad. But I loved building snow forts. There was something magical about sitting inside. And it was a great place to hide since I hated snowball fights. Congrats on your great blog.

  33. Julie Krantz says:

    Nice to meet you, Joanna! And thanks for giving me such a warm welcome on 12 x 12! And Good luck with SNOW GAMES. Did you self-publish it? I’m trying to do the same with my PBs. Julie PS – I LOVE snow!!!

    • Joanna says:

      Julie, thanks so much for stopping by. I published through uTales because there is some quality control. Books have to be submitted first to a Quality Control Panel headed up by Emma D Dryden, and can be rejected or editing advised. It was a good compromise for me, while I seek agent representation.

  34. Congrats on your blogiversary. Enzo and I have a copy, so we’re just stopping by to say thanks for the story. We love the illustrations too. My favorite pix is the showshoeing. Of course, the reindeer kiss is pretty funny!

  35. I just had my very first White Christmas! My family and I spent Christmas in Lake Tahoe and enjoyed sledding, making snowmen/animals, and playing snowball fight. Congratulations on your 2nd Blogiversary, Joanna! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures. In the snowshoeing picture, looks like an avalanche in the background!

    • Joanna says:

      Romelle, I saw Lake Tahoe for the first time last May and would LOVE to see it during the winter.

      Well spotted. Avalanche alert was very high that day, 4/5. We were safe up on high open ground, but we did need to watch out.

  36. Lori Mozdzierz says:

    Ha! Love the picture with you and the reindeer!!
    Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing are for me, sledding, making snow angels, and snowball fights.Then cozying up by the fireplace!

  37. clarbojahn says:

    I love reading and reading and reading during a snow blizzard next to our wood stove. I’m always next to our wood stove so why not then?

    Congrats on your blogging anniversary, Joanna! 🙂

  38. Irene Latham says:

    Oh my goodness, your reindeer kissing pic reminds me of pics of my friend Carrie with carrie-bou. 🙂 Lovelovelove the snow scenes. Thank you for sharing. And congrats on our blogoversary!

  39. Joanna says:

    Haha, Carrie and the carrie-bou would be a great picture book title!

  40. Oh I just love you photos of the snow – I have only ever seen the snow twice in my life, and it was nothing like this! I really LOVE books about the snow – it evokes a dream-like feeling for me and my children as it is so different from where we live! I am sitting here today recovering from yesterday’s 40 degree Celsius day!

  41. Joanna says:

    Nicky, while I have loved living in tropical climates, I do miss a real winter! Snow can be pretty magical!

  42. Dana Atnip says:

    Happy Blog Anniversary Joanna!
    My favorite winter activity would have to be sledding. I’ve never had the grace for ice skating, and while I can make it down a SMALL hill in skis, I also might make it down on my rump!
    Your fun book & the whimsical drawings are perfect no matter what the season!

  43. Janet Smart says:

    Happy Blog anniversary! When I was a kid, I loved sledding, now I just like to go out walking in the snow. It’s so pretty!

  44. Joanna says:

    Janet, I do more walking than anything else these days in the snow.

  45. Emily says:

    Hi Joanna,

    Just found you on 12×12. Your book looks amazing and I really like uTales. Congratulations! My newest favorite winter activity is teaching my 3 yo how to ski. The tiny gear is just too cute 🙂

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