Star Wars Word Search for Jedi Renn

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A young Jedi friend of mine in kindergarten is undergoing another round of intense examinations in hospital, on March 11th-13th, to try and get to the root of his epileptic fits – You can read more about Renn’s journey here, and to learn more about Epilepsy, check and join the facebook group Purple Day. This word search is for Renn (and any other Star Wars fans), and I would ask anyone reading this post to send some positive vibes Renn’s way and especially to the doctors treating him. Renn’s Mom may want to join in the search too.

source - wikimedia commons

source – wikimedia commons

D A Z X J H R J P A 
O T E M P I R E L P 
E C R O F K P U X T 
L I G H T S A B E R 
G I C I D E J C R Q 
A D O Y R E N N S V 
W A I E L I G R G O 
D A R T H V A D E R 
A C C A B W E H C O 


Thank you so much to Susanna Leonard Hill for organizing this. Do check out other writing friends’ contributions on Susanna’s blog.


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18 Responses to Star Wars Word Search for Jedi Renn

  1. You are an awesome word-search-creator, Joanna! I know that Renn’s going to love this.

  2. Ooh, I LOVE word searches! I’m going to do this right now when I should be working 🙂 Thank you so much for joining in, Joanna. I know Renn will love the search and it will mean so much to him and Bethany to know you’re thinking about them 🙂

  3. So creative, Joanna! I’m sure Renn will love this. 🙂

  4. Iris says:

    Das ist cool, Joanna!
    Meine Jungs lieben solche Dinge.So wieso von Star Wars.Gute Besserung für Renn.

    • Joanna says:

      Aw, vielen Dank, Iris. xoxo

      Renn, dude, you are famous overseas. Two young swiss boys I know, also big Star Wars fans, are rooting for you!

  5. clarbojahn says:

    I am sure our young and brave Jedi friend will love this. 🙂

  6. Hannah Holt says:

    I love that you put his name in the same puzzle as the other Star Wars characters, like he’s one of the crew. This will be a fun activity for Renn. 🙂

  7. Great word search. I love these. I’m sure it will keep Renn busy too.

  8. Renn is so going to like this personalized word search! Thanks, Joanna

  9. Renn’s going to love this great word search! Very creative!

  10. Lori Degman says:

    Great idea to make a word search, Joanna!! I had fun doing it!

  11. Ich wuerde auch gern mein Kommentar auf Schwiezerdeutsch schreiben! But I can’t understand a word when they speak with each other! Wish I’d thought of games too – that’s what would have liked if I had to wait it out in the hospital!

  12. So very nice, Joanna. You were thinking out of the box. 🙂

  13. Rhythm says:

    A word search! Great idea! I’d have some trouble with it, but I’m sure a Jedi will find it easy peasy and lots of fun! You’re so clever!

  14. I know he’ll like the word search. But what a tense time this must be for his parents. They all are brave. Sending good vibes for it to turn out well.

    On another note, I just left an award for you on my blog. When you have time, check it out.

  15. Very clever Joanna! I bet Renn had loads of fun doing this.

  16. Sorry…bit late in popping over…what a fun word search! I used to do those all the time as a kid. 🙂 Continuing to send healing vibes to Renn and good thoughts for his family!

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