Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity

Written by Monica Kulling

Illustrated by Esperança Melo

Published by Tundra Books, March 12th, 2013

Ages: 3-6

Themes: courtesy, cupcakes, canines, calamity


Madame Croissant had a secret cupcake recipe. Croissant cupcakes were famous all over Europe, especially in France. She wanted them to be famous in North America too.


Madame Croissant, a renowned French cake-baker, desires greater fame for her scrumptious cupcakes and throws heart and soul (and her dog and granddaughter) into her culinary goal. She creates her own bakery, Cupcakes à Go Go, buys the delivery van, and, most importantly, solicits help from her charming and courteous canine companion (whose pedigree includes five different breeds). Mister Dash is a little unsure about his new role and outfit, but being the faithful dog he is, participates without complaint.

The orders pour in and the endeavour seems set to succeed until Mme Croissant’s granddaughter, Daphne, insists on helping in the kitchen. Well, I’m sure you know about all the HELP little hands can offer in the kitchen! And it’s up to the kindness and quick-thinking of Mr Dash to prevent a very sticky disaster both in the kitchen and in the delivery van, to ensure all the mayor’s cupcakes arrive in tact and on time.

Why I like this book:

Hot off the press (last week) and out of the oven, this sequel to MERCI MISTER DASH is going to delight little bakers and dog-lovers entirely. Why yes, I am a little biased by the french flavor of this book! J’adore the French scattered through the text, just enough to give it some gallic flair and introduce a few french words to little ones, and not enough to jar at all in what is a superbly fluid read-aloud. The story is bouncy and colorful, as are the bright acrylic illustrations by Melo. Mr Dash’s character is winsome and original in its level of courtesy for a dog. My favorite scene is Mr Dash in disguise (très French), trying and failing, to slip away before Daphne and Grandmère embroil him in their plans. Humour spills through all the pages like scrummy dripping frosting and I suspect most readings will end up with a trip to the kitchen cupboards and recipe books.


Here are some easy cupcake recipes to bake at school or at home.

And some more here from Kidspot Kitchen because I just love monster cupcakes!Cookie.228

More information about the author and illustrator can be found on their websites: www.monicakulling.com and http://esperancamelo.blogspot.com

Every Friday, authors and KidLit bloggers post a favorite picture book.  To see a complete listing of all the Perfect Picture Books with resources, please visit author Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Books.

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26 Responses to Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. Yum, I’m getting hungry just reading about this delectable book!

  2. Joanna – this sounds delightful and tres fun! Love the cookie monster cupcake link!

  3. Barbara says:

    Yay! Another great dog book for my collection. The French words sprinkled throughout will be perfect for us too. French instruction starts in grade four but its always nice to start introducing some easy words to the little guys.

  4. Barbara G. says:

    Does this ever look like a FUN book with a French flavor! And what a GREAT title!! Thanks for the tip; I am calling Barnes and Noble right now.

  5. this looks like lots of fun! I love sprinklings of new words, too.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your review — they are always so well done. Love the humor, story line and the French words embedded in the story. Will have to check this one out.

  7. Il me faut en lire! Bravo!

  8. Joanna says:

    Très bien, Catherine, et vas y! Lis le!

  9. Il s’agit d’une écriture d’un livre génial Miss Marple! Je dois obtenir ce livre et Merci Mister Dash! 😀

  10. So many new books being reviewed today for PPBF.:) This one looks adorable, Joanna…thanks for a great review!

  11. Rhythm says:

    Wow! All the French around here! I know a little Spanish, but no French. I guess I need to check out this book. I like Mr Dash already. He seems quite the resourceful fellow! And has great fortitude if he can carry those cupcakes around without eating any! Whew! Thanks for this fun review!

  12. Je n’aime pas le poisson! Might keep a scaly friend off my plate, but doesn’t help comment on the post. I sure would like to taste a croissant cupcake, though I’m guessing I’d prefer mine plain. I think it’s Mr. Dash that has hooked me on this one. Will read!

  13. Joanna says:

    Well at least you won’t get fishcakes!! haha

  14. Cathy Mealey says:

    Oo la la! Looks like fun!

  15. I am miffed as I take a second peek on some blogs to find my first comment is not appearing…. mmm. Anyways I had to come back here, as I wanted to check out the title since I am off to the library. This will be good to look over as the topic is something I have been working on. Thanks, Joanna!

  16. clarbojahn says:

    Great review, Joanna!thanks for adding this newbie to the list. All dog lovers and cupcake lovers will love this book. And who doesn’t like dogs and cupcakes? 🙂

  17. J’aime les cupcakes et les croissants! J’aime manger…LOL! This looks like a really adorable (and tasty) book. 🙂

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