Title: The Artist who Stole Bits of the World
Witten and illustrated by Bo Zaunders
Supplied by OC Studios
Category: Books
Ages: 3+
Themes: artists, canvas, creation,
Platform: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, android
Release Date: May 10th, 2012
Price: free
Available at: Apple iTunes Store and from the author’s website.
Key Features:
- Mellow narration
- own voice recording option
- word-by-word highlighting
- discreet animation and background music
Synopsis: The artist, Mortimer, loves nothing more in the world that setting up his easel outside and losing himself in painting what he sees. His paintings, however, posses a rare artistic gift/attribute, they capture the scene so completely that the scene is transported completely when Mortimer packs away his canvas leaving a hole in the universe. Imagine a beautiful seascape with a chunk of the ocean missing! Naturally bystanders and participants in these scenes complain about these consequences andMortimer has to come up with a creative solution befitting his artistic talent.
My first app of any kind! Bo’s website is fun too – thanks for the link. You are a marvelous ‘community connector’, Joanna!
It IS a charming app! And created by the great developers, OCG Studios. I just played it again yesterday on my iPhone.Thanks so much for an insightful review, Joanna!
Thanks for a good, beautifully written, review!
What a unique idea for a story. It sounds like kids would have a lot of fun with this app. You write excellent reviews.
I think I would like this book!
This sounds delightful, Joanna! Now that I’ve figured out how to download e-picture books onto my iPhone I have to figure out apps next 🙂
I don’t know anything about apps, but this one looks pretty cool.
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