Baby Bear Sees Blue – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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babyTitle: baby bear sees BLUE

Written and illustrated by Ashley Wolff

Published by Beach Lane Books, 2012

Ages: 2-6

Themes: colors, bears, daily rhythm

Opening Lines:

Deep down in the den, baby bear wakes up. He yawns and blinks and stretches his stubby legs.


All babies are inquisitive and Baby Bear is no different. As soon as he wakes up he starts asking questions. Who is waving at him? Who is singing? who splashed him? And for each question Mama Bear describes the aspect of nature Baby Bear is encountering, flora and fauna and thus Baby Bear discovers his colors. The waving leaves are green and the splashing trout is brown…right through to the end of this day and the grey sky of the storm and full rainbow of colors as the sun arrives, as well as the color as Baby Bear closes his eyes to sleep back in his safe den. Mama Bear is at his side patiently responding to every little question as together they explore the beauty of their forest home.

Why I like this book:

The simplicity of the synopsis does not do justice to the beautiful, evocative, heartwarming kid-centered nature of this story. It is a book that will make you go “ah” involuntarily! The mama/baby bond is adorable and comforting to readers, who know that their parents are there to reassure and respond to their queries as they explore their world. The shades and detailed linocut and watercolor illustrations of each double spread are luminous and inviting for young readers to discover and assert their color awareness. The red wild strawberries and the orange butterflies beckon readers into the charm and life to be found in the forest. The rhythm of the day mirrors the child’s own active days. While there are many books about bears and colors this was very fresh and attractive and had me rereading several times. The text is sparse and the pictures so dazzling that even very young readers will follow through on a group reading of this book.

Also, don’t miss the new Baby Bear book, released just ten days ago – Baby Bear Counts One. I cill certainly be adding this one to our PPBF list.


Six games to teach toddlers colors from What to Expect.

Color recognition from Fishing for Ideas for Preschoolers

Author Eric van Raepenbusch also has some awesome color activities, such as spell your color words to accompany his book THREE GHOST FRIENDS: Learn about colors

Every Friday, authors and KidLit bloggers post a favorite picture book.  To see a complete listing of all the Perfect Picture Books with resources, please visit author Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Books.

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24 Responses to Baby Bear Sees Blue – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. The cover is beautiful and inviting. This book reminded me of one of our grandsons who followed me around asking questions. I love curious kids. This sounds like a warm and reassuring book for a young child. Nice choice.

  2. I’ve seen this book. It really is stunning. But I haven’t read Baby Bear Counts to One. How exciting!

  3. So like a toddler, isn’t it! What a cute book, Joanne. And I like the clear, vivid illustrations.

  4. Mira introduced me to this book in her online class. A good example of a simple plot with layers for writers, and a fun story for kids as they anticipate the next color.

  5. Sounds like a good book for our family. We are in the “why” stage and perhaps I can learn patience from the mama bear too.

  6. I remember reading and adoring this book while I was taking Mira’s class. It’s definitely one of the lovelier quiet books out there!

  7. This looks like a wonderful way to learn about all the wonders of our world. Thanks Joanna!

  8. I love the cover, but the title throws me off – is this book only about the color blue?

  9. This sounds so cute! Great pick Joanna.

  10. One of the most beautiful books out there!

  11. Rhythm says:

    This one is on my wish list. I really like that little bear. And I like the sound of that Rhythm of his day!

  12. I love this book. The opening line is just amazing. It’s one of those I read time after time…and I think I did say “Ah” every time 🙂

    Thanks for making me aware of Baby Bear Counts One! I added it to my list!

    • Joanna says:

      I heard about the sequel after posting the blog and went straight back in to edit the information. I can’t wait to read this new one, too.

  13. I love this book, Joanna! How can anyone not want to snatch it up with a cover like that? 🙂 A wonderful title to share with little ones!

  14. Pingback: Illustrator Interview – Ashley Wolff | Miss Marple's Musings

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