Frank – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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frankieTitle: Frank!

Written and illustrated By: Connah Brecon

Published By: Running Press Kids, September 30th,  2014

Themes/Topics: running late, excuses, making time

Suitable for ages: 3-7



Frank was late.                                                                                                                    Frank was always late.


Frank the bear is always late. It’s because he likes to help people out. His reasons sure sound like outrageous excuses to his teacher, like when he misses the school bus because he helps out some busking pigeons. But sometimes even outlandish stories are true and everyone is glad of Frank’s extraordinary helping-gift when he actually arrives as the bell rings on the fifth day of school, just at the same time as an unusual and possibly deadly threat to the class! The illustrations are quirky, bold and bright.

Why I like This Book:

Released this week, FRANK has all the silliness of a Mac Burnett or an Adam Lehrhaupt picture book! Helping others out is a subtle message that’s couched in some crazy scenarios that will have kids giggling. Our western cultures are very time oriented and one thing I loved (and hated) about living in non-western cultures was the time people made for each other, this story reminded me of that.


Make up a list of outlandish reasons why you might be late to school, then pick the best and write a story about it and illustrate it!



Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.

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19 Responses to Frank – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. Good morning Miss Marple – and thanks for sharing a perfectly wonderful (and potentially useful) book! I think I like Frank…. definitely putting it on my “look for now” list. Up to now I’ve been using “And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street” as my reference for “why I’m late” excuses…

  2. This reminds me of someone I know! Can’t wait to read it with them. Thank-you!

  3. I won a copy of this book from the generous author on Elizabeth Dulemba’s website and am waiting for it to arrive. Getting more excited by the minute!

  4. Frank looks like he’s French. What a cute idea for a book because it is told with humor. . Good book to use in the classroom. Some excuses may be real, but others may not. I just know that excuses morph into excuses for lateness throughout life (i.e. work). Great choice.

  5. I think a lot of kids are gonna love Frank. His reasons for lateness sound ominous, must check this out. Yes he does look a little French or is English? Mmm…

  6. Me? Late? Never (ha,ha). I feel like I go through the “late”/”be on time” drill every day trying to get the kids off to school. Sounds like I need this book to slow down.

  7. Yes, I need to be reminded to slow down, and focus on people instead of my own agenda. Good one!

  8. Joanna says:

    Agreed, Jarm!

  9. I can totally relate to Frank! I feel like I’m ALWAYS running late 🙂 I know the reason, though. It’s because I am a bad time-estimator. I always think I can do things in 5 minutes and it’s simply not true! 🙂 And also I like to help people 🙂 You’ve piqued my interest with the potentially deadly threat, so I will have to get a copy of this book ASAP and find out what it is 🙂

  10. Looks really cute! On my list 🙂 Thanks for the great review!

  11. rhythm says:

    I think I’m late to PPBF! But I’ve been out helping friends too! I LOVE the cover on this book! I think I might love Frank too! He sounds like my kind of friend! Thanks for sharing Ms Marple!

  12. Joanne Sher says:

    You’ve definitely got me intrigued there, Miss Marple! I’m with the others – pretty sure I like Frank (and could probably use a bit of his wisdom!). Thanks for sharing!

  13. Enzo may or may not be late for school. We may need to “study” this book, er, I mean read it.

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