I Will Not Eat You – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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eat_you_cover_hi-resTitle: I will Not Eat You

Written by:  Adam Lerahupt

Illustrated by: Scott Magoon

Published by: Simon and Schuster, 2016

Themes: friendship, dragons, appetite

Ages: 4-8


Theodore lived in a cave.

It was a quiet cave,                                                                                                         and that’s the way he liked it.


Theodore is a dragon who thinks every creature he encounters is a potential meal. Lucky for the bird, wolf, and tiger, who pass by his cave, Theodore isn’t hungry…yet. But then a new critter approaches the cave. A boy. Theodore is definitely feeling hungrier so……

Why I like this book:

The balance of humor and suspense in this story is masterful. It is just the right amount of dark with a cool twist at the end. How cool having a dragon who only eats til he’s full!! Or most of the time anyhow!

I don;t know that I have met a kid who doesn’t like dragons. I can’t keep these books on the library shelves and this is a fabulous addition to your dragon book collection.

I especially love how Scott Magoon almost personifies the cave with his fabulous art.


What do dragons eat and why? 🙂

Pair with:

Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and/or activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found sorted alphabetically and by topics, here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.

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4 Responses to I Will Not Eat You – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. Love that cover! Kids will love the suspense of turning each page. Great illustrations.

  2. A fun, new book to read about a dragon and a video on how to draw one! This is a great post! Thank you.

  3. Thanks for sharing. This looks like a fun read and I think it might serve as a great mentor text for me as I do struggle to find the right balance between suspense and humor.

  4. Patricia Nozell says:

    Great post about a wonderful book. I agree about the masterful balancing of humor and suspense.

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