Title: Pink is for Boys
Author: Robb Perlman
Illustrator: Eda Kaban
Publisher: Running Press Kids, June 5th 2018
Ages: 4-7
Themes: gender stereotyping, colors, acceptance, inclusion
Pink is for Boys.
And girls.
This timely and beautiful picture book rethinks and re-frames the stereotypical blue/pink gender binary and empowers kids-and their grown-ups-to express themselves in every color of the rainbow. Pink Is for Boys invites and encourages girls and boys to enjoy what they love to do, whether it’s racing cars and playing baseball, or loving unicorns and dressing up.
Why I like this book:
I was expecting a book on gender fluidity, which I would happily have read, but I was very pleasantly surprised by a series of scenes showing young readers that gender should never dictate colors or indeed hobbies! boys can wear pink and cuddle teddy bears, and girls can wear black and drive race cars. The characters are fun and diverse and I think most kids will find themselves in this cast. Vibrant illustrations and everyday situations help children learn and identify the colors that surround them, from the orange of a popsicle, to the green of a grassy field, or a purple unicorn. Because *unicorns*!
Have children draw their favorite toy or activity and color it their favorite color!
Caregivers and educators, I highly recommend @awakenlibrarian’s article on how easy it is for us to stereotype in the classroom
Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and/or activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found sorted alphabetically and by topics, here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.
What a great book! I love the idea of encouraging boys and girls to embrace what interests them.
Who the heck came up with the idea of ascribing colors to….anything?! Sheesh! Beware of party poopers! And thanks for introducing me to this illustrator.
Lovely book Joanna. I love the idea of embracing colours for anything and anyone. It’s so important for kids to find their own individuality. Nice review and thanks for sharing.
So many boys love pink….and why not? Great book for all those kids to push back on gender stereotypes.
I need this book. So does my little grandson 🙂
this looks fun. And yes – kids can wear any color they wish.