Title: Mixed, A Colorful Story
Written and Illustrated by: Arree Chung
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company, September 2018
Ages: 4-8
Themes: colors, mixing colors, diversity, acceptance, variety, mixed race
In the beginning there were three colors.
and Blues.
All special in their own ways, all living in harmony–until one day, a Red says “Reds are the best!” and starts a color kerfuffle. When the colors decide to separate, is there anything that can change their minds?
A Yellow, a Blue, and a never-before-seen color might just save the day in this inspiring book about color, tolerance, and embracing differences. (Publisher)
Why I like this book:
I love this because despite knowing from the outset where this book is going Arree manages to surprise me with both the text and the illustrations of how so much better a community is when we embrace everyone. The outcome of segregation and discrimination (based on color) is vividly portrayed in its black and white town with expressive characters in a way that can be easily understood by the very young. This is all about celebration not tolerance or acceptance. It is about how vibrant and interesting our lives are when we have embrace rich variety in our communities. The permeation of WOW is infinite as each new individual bring something unique to the sandpit.
The two brave rebellious protagonists are kids, which I love. And the colors are not generic but communities and individuals have well developed characteristics. It is a beautiful and happy book about acceptance and individuality. One that should be a part of every preschool and elementary school library.
This book reminds me so much of Leo Lionni’s classic book from 1959, Little Blue and Little Yellow.
Obviously it is a concept book that can be used to teaching mixing colors, but that cannot be divorced from its wonderful heart about diversity.
On Arree’s website there is an activity guide he will send to anyone who requests it.
Don’t miss the interview I did with Arree Chung a couple of years ago.
Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and/or activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found sorted alphabetically and by topics, here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.
I LOVE this book. It is so powerful, yet so simple. I kept asking “why hadn’t someone done this before.” This is one of my favorite books for 2018.
It looks absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing this fun new diversity title with us.
I really want to get copies of this book for grandchildren. Diversity is discussed in such a happy manner. It would pair well with a book I reviewed Dot and Line. Excellent review.
I have read this book and think it’s fabulous, too! So well done. Thanks for featuring this one! I just realized that I need to go write some more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads…..
I haven’t read this one yet, but it looks wonderful. I’ll check it out!
Such a great book! My students created art in the style of this book and it turned out amazing!