King Alice – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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Title: King Alice

Written and Illustrated by: Matthew Cordell

Publisher: Fiewel and friends, October 2018

Ages: 4-8

Themes: snow day, imagination, house-bound, stories, tuck inside





Good morning Sir Dad.

“Yaaaaawn… Morning Alice,” said Dad.
“No! KING Alice! The First!” shouted Alice.
“You mean… Queen?” asked Dad.
“No! KING!”
“Ummmm… King,” Dad said.


Alice and her family are stuck indoors on a snowy day. Alice loves to read, and when her dad suggests that she make her own book, she snaps out of her “I’m bored” mode and makes up a story that lasts till the lights go out later that night.

Why I like this book:

First and foremost I love the Mom and Dad’s plaid pajama pants, which they wear throughout the day! 

Alice brings the full powers of her imagination (“Idea!”) and limitless energy to bear on her dad, who seems to take the brunt of entertaining his daughter while Mom, who is still very present, is taking care of the baby brother. It is fun and relatable and full of Cordell’s characteristic squiggly art work. The story within the story parallels work very well and I think children will especially appreciate the text and illustrations of King Alice’s story. 

A no-small accomplishment here is to so immerse the reader in the stories and energy that by the end of the book you are as wiped as Dad and crossing fingers for a return to school tomorrow.

Lovely diverse touches are the insistance on the male royalty nomer by Alice and the mixed parentage family. All incidental, but appreciated. 


Have students illustrate their favorite snow day activities.


Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and/or activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found sorted alphabetically and by topics, here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.


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2 Responses to King Alice – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. King Alice certainly has a big imagination, which her family encourages. I love the gender neutral aspect — why can’t she be a king? Sweet winter read.

  2. Andrea Mack says:

    Love these books that challenge kids to think about diversity. A bonus that it boost imagination!

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