Dumpster Dog – New Chapter Book Series from France

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Title: Dumpster Dog (Chien Pourri in French) This is Book 1 in a new series called The Adventures of Dumpster Dog.

Author: Colas Gutman

Illustrator: Marc Boutavant

 Publisher: Enchanted Lion Press, 2019

Translated from French by: Claudia Bedrick & Allison M. Charette

Ages: 6-8

Themes: cats, dogs, friendship, humor, outcasts, animal suffering, rejection


Dumpster Dog was born in a dumpy, old garbage can. There are many rumors about him: He might have been abandoned by his parents, he smells like sardines, and he can’t tell his right from his left…


Dumpster Dog dreams of treats, balls, and leashes. He wants someone to play with, someone who will take him on long walks, someone who will feed him–he wants a master. So begins Dumpster Dog’s search for a human companion. But he will soon learn that finding a good master isn’t as easy as it sounds, and that the world can be a dangerous place.

Why I like this book:

I love the absurdist French humor, and the friendship between Dumspter Dog and the cat with whom he shares his garbage can, Flat Cat. It doesn’t have the happy ending one would expect for this age group as Dumpster Dog is really the anti-hero, flea-ridden, a little slow on the uptake, ugly but adorable.

Amidst the humor and endearing art by Marc Boutavant, it is a beautiful and sad story about animal suffering in our society: abandonment, vagrancy, rejection, human cruelty, lies… it packs some epic subject matter in its 47 pages. Truly you can tell this is a foreign import, which I love.

Love these end papers!
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1 Response to Dumpster Dog – New Chapter Book Series from France

  1. Jilanne Hoffmann says:

    Yes, those end papers give you a clue that this is not going to end well. The SFPL does not have it on order. Interesting that the NYTime quote on Amazon says that the humor is reminiscent of Lemony Snicket’s “dark hilarity.” To me, hilarity usually involves some form of a happy ending, which if I understand you correctly, is not the case. Will ask the SFPL to order.

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