They, She, He Easy as ABC – Perfect Picture Book Friday

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Title: They, She, He Easy as ABC – learn the ABCs and practice inclusive pronouns!

By: Maya and Matthew

 Publisher: Reflection Press, April 2019

Ages: 3-6

Themes:  Gender Now CurriculumLGBTQtransgender, pronouns, non-binary


Ari loves to arabesque.
They hold their pose with ease.
Brody is a break dancer.
Brody loves to freeze.

Cory leaps high like a cat.
She springs and leaps and bounds.
Diego drums and dances.
Tree has all the sounds…..


They, She, He easy as ABC shows that including everyone is all part of the dance. It’s easy. It’s fundamental. As the dance begins the kids proclaim, “No one left out and everyone free,” in a sing-song rhyme about inclusion. This sets the stage for readers to meet 26 kids showing us their dance moves.

Fast-paced rhyming keeps the flow of text upbeat and rhythmic, and naturally models how to use a wide range of pronouns. There’s no room for stereotypes on THIS dance floor with spirited imagery that keeps names, clothes, hair and behavior fresh and diverse. The combination creates a playful and effortless practice to expand ideas about gender while learning the alphabet and makes being inclusive as easy as A-B-C.

Why I like this book:

Inclusive pronouns are learned alongside the alphabet in this joyously illustrated take on the classic ABC book. I love the idea of starting really young to introduce the variety of pronoun options children have to present their gender identity.

I learned a new one, Tree – a playful pronoun showing our connection to nature.


M+M have a companion book called, They He She Me: Free to Be

More games and activities can be found at and

There’s a very helpful simple explanation of all the pronouns used at the end of the book.

Reflection Press focus a big part of our work on children–children of color, transgender kids, gender diverse & non-binary kids,…..all kids.

Each week a group of bloggers reviews picture books we feel would make great educational reads. To help teachers, caregivers and parents, we have included resources and/or activities with each of our reviews. A complete list of the thousands of books we have reviewed can be found sorted alphabetically and by topics, here on Susanna Leonard Hill’s website.

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6 Responses to They, She, He Easy as ABC – Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. Gabi Snyder says:

    What a cool way to learn inclusive pronouns. I’ll check this one out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jilanne Hoffmann says:

    It’s ABC week! This one is so original! And rhyming. I’m thinking it could be used for a movement activity, too. Yes?

  3. Barb says:

    Oh, I like the dancing aspect. That sounds fun!

  4. Patricia Nozell says:

    Love the combination of dance, inclusivity & ABCs plus rhyme. A wonderful book to read & reread!

  5. Diane Tulloch says:

    I love the cover of this one and adding dance and beautiful rhyming is sure to be a winner. Thanks for sharing Joanna.

  6. Okay, I am intrigued. I’ll have to find this one. You always find such great books.

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