Joanna Marple
In my 20's, with only my guitar and a rucksack, I wandered the continents, immersing myself in the lives of some wonderful people, projects and stories, which changed the way I view my responsibility to others and this earth. Right now I'm a European transplant in the US who writes books for children and young adults. Stories can help us not only navigate our world but can connect us to others, and allow us to inspire and help each other. I believe that equity and empathy should be at the core of our all actions, words, and stories. I am also a school librarian and I get a kick out of book-matchmaking! And I use the pronouns she/her.
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Tag Archives: collaboration
Illustrator Interview – Lisa Jahn-Clough
I confess that after my trip to Portland, Maine, this summer and falling in love with the area, when I noticed on FB that Lisa spends part of her year there, I thought I should invite her onto … Continue reading
Posted in Illustrators, Interview
Tagged collaboration, illustrator, interview, Lisa Jahn-Clough, picture books
Illustrator Interview – Rebecca Emberley
I discovered Rebecca’s work through participating in her crowd-funding for her ITSY BITSY SPIDER book. By the way, as of two weeks ago, in addition to its print format, this story is is now an interactive book app for the iPad … Continue reading
International Dot Day – Join in the fun!
Over 1.5 million children from more than 75 countries have signed up to celebrate International Dot Day in their classrooms and individually. It is a day of COLLABORATION and CREATIVITY across the globe. Peter Reynolds says, “the theme for this year’s … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged collaboration, creativity, Dot, International Dot day, Peter Reynolds, picture books, TJ Shay