Joanna Marple
In my 20's, with only my guitar and a rucksack, I wandered the continents, immersing myself in the lives of some wonderful people, projects and stories, which changed the way I view my responsibility to others and this earth. Right now I'm a European transplant in the US who writes books for children and young adults. Stories can help us not only navigate our world but can connect us to others, and allow us to inspire and help each other. I believe that equity and empathy should be at the core of our all actions, words, and stories. I am also a school librarian and I get a kick out of book-matchmaking! And I use the pronouns she/her.
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Tag Archives: ecosystem
Great Rivers of the World – Earth Day/PPBF
Title: Great Rivers of the World Author: Volker Mehnert Illustrator: Martin Haake Publisher: Prestel, 2020 Translated from German by: Paul Kelly Ages: 6-11 (and middle school) 42 pages, tall format Genre: nonfiction Themes: rivers, culture ecology, ecosystem, history, legends, geography Opening:Introduction The great rivers of … Continue reading
Posted in children's books, Children's literature, concept picture book, conservation, Earth Day, nonfiction
Tagged Colorado, Congo, culture ecology, Danube, ecosystem, Ganges, great rivers of the world, history, legends, Lena, Martin haake, Mekong, Mississippi, Murray, Nile, Orinocco, Rio Grande, rivers, St. Lawrence, Thames, Volga, volker mehnert, Yangtze
The Wisdom of Trees – Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: The Wisdom of Trees, How Trees Work Together to form a Natural Kingdom Author & Illustrator: Lita Judge Publisher: Roaring Book Press, 2021 Ages: 6-11 (and middle school) 48 pages. Genre: narrative nonfiction/poetry Themes: trees, forests, ecology, communication, poetry, community, ecosystem, history Opening:A Secret Kingdom … Continue reading
The Return of the Grizzly – Adult Book Recommendation
Title: The Return of the Grizzly – Sharing the Range with Yellowstone’s top Predator Author: Cat Urbigkit Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing, 2018 Ages: adult Themes: ecosystem, conflict, predators, grizzly bears, Wyoming, protection, federal and state regulations, Yellowstone, animal advocacy, Opening: It took searchers three … Continue reading
Posted in Book recommendation, conservation, endangered species
Tagged animal advocacy, Cat Urbigkit, conflict, ecosystem, federal and state regulations, grizzly bears, predators, protection, Sharing the Range with Yellowstone's top Predator, The Return of the Grizzly, Wyoming, Yellowstone
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